
Computes a new data set by applying a set operator on two existing data sets of the same nature.


Optional authentication : an API access token can be provided in the URL query string to access to restricted data.


Bold red : required parameter, Bold orange : at least one of parameters required, black : optional parameter.

HTTP Request



Each parameter is URL-encoded and added to the URL query string.

dataSetId1 Type : string
The identifier of a first data set, previously computed by the requesting user.
dataSetId2 Type : string
The identifier of a second data set, previously computed by the requesting user. The items of this data set must be of the same nature as the first data set.
operator Type : string
The set operator to be applied on the input data sets to produce the output data set. Must be one of the following : "union" or "intersection".


The first DataSetPage of the computed data set on success. The next pages can be obtained by sending getDataSetPage requests with the dataSetId specified in the response.

A JllmAPIException on error. In particular :

Try it !

You can test this request on live data and see the API response by filling the form below.

Bold red : required parameter, Bold orange : at least one of parameters required, black : optional parameter.

The button "Execute as authenticated user" is available to connected users only. To connect, click on the "Login" button at the right top of the page.